Together we plant trees for a green and healthy world

Arte Viva is proud to be a partner and supporter of Trees for All, working together on impactful projects to reforest the world, create a better climate, enhance biodiversity, and promote healthy living conditions. As a Dutch non-profit organization with over 24 years of experience, Trees for All plants trees both in the Netherlands and abroad, while raising awareness about the vital importance of trees. Explore our partner projects and Trees for All’s achievements in reforestation and creating a better climate.

9,3 million trees and shrubs

9,3 million trees and shrubs

9,3 million trees and shrubs

104 projects

9,3 million trees and shrubs

+24 years of experience

Creating a safer and better world for our children.

Planting trees for future generations. Developing eco-friendly products. Raising awareness by educating children.
Discover our journey to sustainability and join us in creating a better future for our children.

Sustainability Journey

Raise awareness by educating children about sustainability

17 fun ways to teach children about sustainability
10 November 2021

17 fun ways to teach children about sustainability

Living more consciously and sustainably is becoming increasingly important as we all become concerned about the...
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20 Sustainable tips in kindergartens and schools
10 November 2021

20 Sustainable tips in kindergartens and schools

Children spend most of their time in kindergartens and schools. Therefore, it is important to create a sustainable...
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5 tips to celebrate Earth Day at kindergartens and schools
20 April 2024

5 tips to celebrate Earth Day at kindergartens and schools

On April 22, all over the world Earth Day is celebrated. People and companies organize activities to raise awareness and...
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