About Arte Viva

About Arte Viva, we are a dynamic Dutch company specialized in innovative niche child safety products for kindergartens and schools. It was founded in 2000 and our products are currently sold in more than 60 countries all over the world. It is our aim to invent, develop, and produce our products in Western Europe.


Our mission

“To create a safer world for our children by reducing the number of accidents in kindergartens and schools.”

Arte Viva aspires to make safe kindergartens and schools the norm all over the world. For this reason, we focus on child safety products that create a safe and care-free environment for children. Many of the accidents in kindergartens are caused by doors. Often children get their fingers stuck in between a door which may cause severe injuries and traumatizes the child. Another very common type of accident is that children hurt themselves on sharp edges or corners. Therefore, we offer solutions for these sorts of problems in kindergartens. Our products create a safe environment so that children can play and learn safely at kindergartens and schools.

To create more awareness of this issue we are working on creating and distributing checklists of dangerous spots in and around kindergartens and nurseries. Through these documents, we want to shine a light on the dangers of doors and other dangerous spots.

What is different about us?


  • Child Safety Ambassador for kindergartens and schools
  • Award-winning company: growing in experience, knowledge, and service
  • Professional consulting offering international best practice


  • Superior quality material. Designed to be safe for children
  • Long-lasting products with guarantees included
  • Certified and tested to the latest norms
  • Competitive prices due to high volumes


  • Green office powered by solar panels
  • Minimizing plastic packing material
  • Recycling packing material: very low garbage output
  • 80% of the commutes are by bike
  • Eco-designed products


  • Unique child safety products
  • Innovative solutions for kindergartens and schools
  • Fun and design mixed with specialist industry knowledge

Corporate social responsibility

  • Support people with disabilities by collaborating with “Reinaerde” and “Dit is het”
  • We employ people with a high degree of autism, who are an enrichment for our team.
  • Disposal of time and expertise to Women on Wings: an organization that provides business consulting to social enterprises in India with the aim to create jobs for women in rural India.
  • Organizing a yearly enjoyment day for people with a mental handicap since 2008. It involves light sports activities, dancing, singing, and dinner. All supported by a brass band and a clown.

Have a nice and safe day! Team Arte Viva

Contact us

about arte viva
about arte viva