11 March 2024

The main benefits of corner protection for children

The development of children goes by trial and error. Literally and figuratively. There is a lot you can do to protect the safety of children in the process. Think of door finger guards that prevent fingers from getting between the door and window protection that ensures a limited opening of a window. Also, corner protection on walls provides more safety for children. There are several reasons why it is important to install corner guards on walls, whether in a kindergarten, school or at home. In this article, we highlight the main benefits of corner protection for children. 


Corner protection for walls

Research shows that 82% of severe injuries in children aged 0 to 11 result from falls. While falls are inevitable, their severity can often be reduced through preventive measures. Corner protection for walls is one such measure that plays a vital role in child safety.

During early childhood, corner guards act as a shield, preventing injuries caused by sharp edges. As children grow, this protection fosters a sense of security, allowing them to explore their surroundings with confidence. Moreover, corner protection not only enhances safety but also preserves the integrity of walls, particularly in high-traffic areas like schools and playgrounds. By investing in corner guards, we prioritize both safety and aesthetics, creating environments that promote learning and growth while minimizing risks.


1. Protect children playing

‘No running indoors,’ is a common phrase you hear childcare workers, teachers, and parents say daily. The motor skills of children are still strongly developing and they are full of energy. They play wildly and enjoy running around both indoors and outdoors. Accidents happen from time to time. They bump their heads or fall to the ground. A fall doesn’t always result in an injury, but a fall against the corner of a wall often does. Quicker than on a flat surface, a fall against a corner quickly results in a bump or cut. Additionally, some corners of walls are very sharp, especially those of plastered walls. This can lead to nasty abrasions.

Corners are simply unavoidable in homes and spaces in childcare facilities and schools. To prevent children from injuring themselves and thus to protect children, it is advisable to install corner guards on the walls. In this way, you create a safe environment in which they can grow, learn and develop.

2. Protection of the wall

In addition to protecting children, corner guards also protect the wall itself. Corners can easily be hit, for example, by objects you’re holding or a movable chair that is commonly used in childcare settings. They are the most vulnerable parts of walls, making them prone to scratches, dents, or even crumbling.

This damage to the wall is bothersome and you’d like to prevent it with an eye toward sustainability. Additionally, it poses an even greater risk of injury to children. The edge of the wall becomes sharper, and you want to prevent very young children from putting the chipped pieces in their mouths. Therefore, it is highly recommended to install a corner protector for both the protection of the wall and the safety of children.


3. Peace of mind

In childcare, a pedagogical employee often works with multiple children in a group. A pedagogical employee may be responsible for a maximum of 3 babies, 5 children from 1 to 2 years old, 8 children from 2 to 4 years old, 10 children from 4 to 7 years old, or 12 children aged 7 and older. Due to the “four-eyes principle,” pedagogical employees always work in pairs in a group. This means that two employees can be responsible for 6 babies or even for 24 actively playing children aged 7 or older. If one of the pedagogical employees is changing a child or assisting with something else, this number can temporarily increase.

Pedagogical employees aim to provide safe childcare, allowing children the freedom to play and interact without constantly reminding them of the dangers corners of walls pose. With such a large group of 12 children aged 7 or older, this becomes an impossible task.

Even at home, parents cannot and do not want to constantly monitor their children. They want to give their children the freedom to explore on their own. Additionally, a parent may need to use the restroom, fetch something from upstairs, or cook while their son or daughter is playing. Corner protectors on walls can provide peace of mind for childcare workers, teachers, and parents, allowing them to do these tasks without feeling like they need eyes in the back of their heads.



Corner protection by Arte Viva

If you’re looking for a solution to protect your corners, have a look at our Corner Guard range. Arte Viva offers a range of corner guards in different shapes, sizes, and colors. For instance, the Corner Guard Deluxe is available in red, yellow, grey, green, blue, and ivory. If you wish to decorate the space or add a fun element, choose the Corner Guard Deluxe Pencil. Furthermore, we offer discreet solutions such as the Corner Guard Plus and the 100% eco-friendly Corner Guard Cork. Arte Viva’s corner protectors are ideal for use in childcare centers, schools, playgrounds, but also at home. This way, you protect the children’s safety, keep the walls protected, and you can let children play with peace of mind.