15 March 2022

10 Safety rules to teach children

Keeping your child safe at all times – whether it is outside or inside the house – is especially important for parents, grandparents, or teachers. It is important to teach children some basic safety rules as soon as they can understand them. Already by the age of three years old, you can start teaching children some basic rules. In doing so, make sure you are using an age-appropriate language while keeping the communication open. Thus, this will encourage the child to be open as well to tell you everything. 

The following safety rules for children will help to ensure safety at school and home.


1. Know parent’s name and home address

One of the most important things to teach your child from an early age is the name of the parents and the home address. Knowing these basic contact details will help in case of emergency. Teach children to memorize where their home is located and nearby landmarks that could be important. When the child is a bit older and can memorize more things, you can teach them important phone numbers to call, like your phone number, the grandparents, or neighbours.  


2. Do not accept or eat anything given by strangers

A child should never accept anything given by a stranger, especially when it comes to food. When it comes to something sweet like a cake or cookies, children are very tempted to accept them. Nevertheless, you should teach your child that it is dangerous to accept food from anyone. Teach them to kindly refuse the offer when someone is offering them food without your approval. 


3. Do not walk off alone

Your child should know that they are not allowed to walk out of the garden alone. If, for example, the kids were playing with a ball and it leaves the garden area, kids should not run after it alone, instead they should let an adult know, so they can together leave the garden and get the ball back. At all times, children should be accompanied by an adult.  


4. Do not play with fire

Children need to learn that it is extremely dangerous to play with fire and they should always keep a big distance from it. Especially inside the home, you should make sure that all fire outlets are safe and out of reach for children. 


5. Never go along with a stranger

It is not safe to go anywhere with a stranger, no matter if that person says they know you. If a stranger approaches your child and asks them to go with them, your child needs to be able to stay where they are and shout for help. A detailed article about how to street-proof children from strangers can be found here. In this article you will find a list of tips to make children ready for the streets.  


6. If you get lost, stay where you are

If your child gets lost, tell them it is important to stay exactly where they are. Teach them that if they see a mom with kids nearby, it is okay to ask them for help. If the mom wants to leave the place and wants to go somewhere with your child, teach your kid not to go with her. Most usual places where children get lost are supermarkets. If they get lost in one, they should go to the counter of the store and tell the person they got lost.  


7. Never do something that makes you feel uncomfortable

It does not matter what your child may be asked to do, whenever it makes your child feel uncomfortable, they should not do it. Teach them that it is okay to say no, no matter how many friends are doing it. Children should not be pressured to do anything! 


8. Awareness of allergies

In case your child has any allergies, teach them about them. Some kids may be allergic to a variety of things – from certain pets, foods, and plants. If you know your child has any allergy, make sure to educate them so that they know what to look out for and stay away from in certain situations.  


9. Encourage children to trust their instincts

Children sometimes struggle with trusting their own instincts. Therefore, encourage and support them to listen and trust their own instincts. When they do not feel comfortable in a situation, it is okay to say so to stay safe.  


10. Fence climbing is not allowed

One day, your young and active child may be playing with a ball, and it will accidentally bounce over to another space. As tempting as it may be to climb the fence to retrieve the ball, it is not safe to do so. Teach your children that if this happens to them, they should either ask an adult for help or let go of the ball.  

By educating children about these safety rules from an early age onwards, they will know how to protect themselves in different situations growing up.