19 October 2021

Child safety room by room

Within your house, there can be many different danger zones for your child. Household injuries are one of the top reasons children under the age of three need to go to the hospital. Therefore, it is important to provide the right child safety room by room in your home. In this article, we will present you with important safety measures for your home. 


child safe in bathroom

  1. Crib 

Make sure that the crib of your child is set up correctly. Furthermore, make sure that there is not much in the bed itself. Pillows, too many stuffed animals or toys can be dangerous for your child. Thus, as soon as your child gets older and can stand up by themselves, make sure that the mattress level is at the lowest, so your child will not be able to climb out of the crib and fall.  

  1. Window 

Windows can be extremely dangerous for a child. Therefore, make sure that the windows have a safety lock installed. Arte Viva offers the window alert that makes sure that your child will not fall out of the window.  

  1. Furniture 

Especially in a child’s bedroom, it is necessary that all the furniture is secured on the wall. Too often you hear in the news that furniture falls on children when they hold themselves up. To reduce the risk of children hurting themselves on sharp edges on furniture, Arte Viva provides corner guards that make sure children do not hurt themselves.  

  1. Small items 

Children cannot see the danger as much as we do, and they are extremely interested in small, colorful, and shiny things. Make sure that all small pieces are always out of reach for children as they would put it in their mouth which would risk that they would swallow wrong. 

Living room 

child safe in livingroom

  1. TV 

Make sure that the TV is mounted to the wall to reduce the risk of the TV falling on the child. 

  1. Photo frames are out of reach 

You might not think of that, but photo frames can be dangerous for children. When a photo frame breaks, the glass can shatter and cut the child. Therefore, make sure that they are out of reach or replace the glass with plastic. 

  1. Power socket 

Keep your power sockets covered behind furniture or install safety covers for power outlets as children like to unplug things and are highly likely to put a metal object in one of those holes.  

  1. Fireplace 

Especially during autumn and winter times, a fireplace is extremely cozy when cuddling up on the couch watching movies. Nevertheless, they can also be extremely dangerous as children find the warmth and the movement of the flames extremely interesting. Therefore, make sure that the fireplace is surrounded by a child safety gate that makes sure that small children will not be able to touch it and burn themselves.  


child safe in kitchen

The kitchen is an extremely dangerous zone for children. It is recommended to install a gate before entering the kitchen so that the child is not able to go to the kitchen without an adult. The stove, the dishwasher, the oven, or the fridge – all these areas are too dangerous for a child in the kitchen. 

  1. Lower cabinets 

Small children are not able to reach the upper cabinets in a kitchen. Due to this, the lower cabinets are much more interesting for kids. Make sure to secure the cabinets with door locks, so that your child will not be able to open them. If you do not secure the cabinets, please make sure that no dangerous products are stored inside. 

  1. Cutlery 

If your child is getting older, it is nice for them to take over some child-safe tasks in the house. Especially putting away the cutlery can be fun for children. Nevertheless, knives and even forks are dangerous. Therefore, make sure that your child only contacts cutlery that is not that sharp such as spoons.  


children safe in bathroom

  1. Bathroom products 

To reduce the risk of an accident with your child, you should keep all products that are stored in the bathroom out of reach for your child. If stored in a closet, make sure that the closet is secured on the wall and has a door safety. 

  1. Hair dryer  

Never leave your hair dryer plugged in! Kids find this remarkably interesting and see it more as a toy than as a danger zone. Therefore, after every use, unplug your hairdryer and store it out of reach for children. 

  1. Never leave them alone 

You should never leave your children alone in the bathroom. Especially not while they are having a bath. Always watch them make sure they are fine.  

To ensure the best safety for your child, Arte Viva created a Checklist about Child Safety at Home. This link will direct you to a PDF document of the checklist, that you can easily download and print out to make room by room safe for your child. 


child safety checklist

Arte Viva 

We at Arte Viva want to create a safe environment for children to grow and develop themselves. Therefore, we offer child safety solutions for kindergartens and schools. Nevertheless, for us safety in every environment is important, therefore, we wanted to share these useful tips with you to make sure that each child is safe at home! 

To discover more of our products, have a look at our website, feel free to contact us or send us a request. We are happy to hear from you!